Record: 26 - 1 (18 KO)
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Age: 28
Weight: 174 lbs
Trash Talk
"Where is the NHK TV camera? Hello Tokyo!"
"I'll give you a TKO from Tokyo!"
"You should wear a helmet when you fight me!"
"Sushi, Kamikaze, Fujiyama, Nipponichi . . ."
Record: 22 - 3 (9 KO)
Origin: Madrid, Spain
Age : 23
Weight: 152 lbs.
"People like my hair. don't mess my hair!"
"Hey! Mr. Referee Mario. I like your hair!"
"I'm a beautiful fighter. I have such a style!"
"Carmen my love...I dance so sweet for you!"
You begin at Piston Hondo #2 with a 7 - 0 record (7 KO)
Rank: #5 on World Circut
Record: 26-2 (18 KO)
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Age: 28
Weight: 174 lbs
Trash Talk
"Where is the NHK TV camera? Hello Tokyo!"
"I'll give you a TKO from Tokyo!"
"You should wear a helmet when you fight me!"
"Sushi, Kamikaze, Fujiyama, Nipponichi . . ."
"I still remember our first fight. Now I'm gonna make you pay back, Banzai!!"